Drive My Bike

Not For Sale!
September 8, 2010, 7:59 am
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Yeah, I know I haven’t posted much. I have been riding, just not as regularly, so I guess this blog is a reflection of that. Anyway, this was too funny not to share.


It seems that a Pensacola, FL man rode his $450 bicycle to an estate sale, and happened to leave it in the wrong place. While he was in another part of the sale looking for bargains his bicycle was mistakenly sold for $5. Doh!

Funny and sad all at the same time. He’s hoping that the buyer will see the news and bring back his bike.

Thanks to Commute Orlando for this tidbit.

All About Performance… HaHaHa
August 12, 2009, 8:43 am
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Wow… a year ago I wouldn’t even have understood this video… but now, even my wife found it hilarious!

If you don’t get it, don’t worry. Keep learning about bikes and bike culture and you’ll eventually find it funny.

Yes, I guess bicyclists are pretty weird… and yeah… now I’m one of them. 🙂

Thanks to Cyclelicious for this.

When Good Cars Go Bad (Another Reason For Bike Commuting)
September 18, 2008, 2:50 pm
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Today I was making my lunch and I heard a strange noise outside. It wasn’t a noise that I recognized… in fact it was one of those noises where you don’t know what it is but it makes you think that something isn’t quite right. So, I looked in front of my house and this is what I saw…

Car In Fence

It seems that my neighbor had forgotten to set the parking brake on her car, so when she went inside the car decided to take matters into its own hands, and with the help of gravity, it rolled across the street, jumped the curb, and stopped at my fence!

Well, vinyl fencing is flexible, and as you can see in the picture, it was flexing. At the end of it all no harm was done, and we had a good laugh out of it.

Now… if she did her commuting by bike, instead of by car… none of this would have ever happened. Yet another reason that bike commuting makes the world a better, safer place.

Have a good day, and watch out for those evil cars! 🙂

Top 10 Reasons to Be A Bike Commuter
September 11, 2008, 7:52 am
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  1. You feel pretty green, and green is good.
  2. Passing cars that are stuck in rush hour traffic is awesome.
  3. It’s fun watching the people around you come up with excuses why they can’t bike commute.
  4. Getting back at all of those people that said you were crazy when you told them you were going to start riding your bike to work.
  5. Riding around on a bike makes you remember how fun it was when you did that as a kid, only now you look a lot cooler.
  6. Seeing the look of amazement on the grocery store clerk’s face when you ask her to put your groceries in your panniers, and she says "You rode your bike here?"
  7. Realizing that you can ride a lot farther than you think you can.
  8. Spandex is optional.
  9. Doing something fun and getting exercise at the same time – "Accidental Fitness".
  10. Getting to your destination with less stress than you started with.

I’ve had this list brewing for a while. It’s not perfect, but I finally tweaked it enough that I figured I’d go ahead and post it.

What do you think? What would you put on your top 10 list of reasons for bike commuting?