Drive My Bike

What Would It Be Like?

What would it be like if the majority of commuters rode bicycles?

Think about it…

What would happen to the environment?

What would happen to healthcare… obesity… nutrition?

What would happen to our stress level?

What would happen to our sense of community?

Obviously bike commuting doesn’t work for everyone…

But what if it worked for most of us?

As you can see from the video, it is possible.

Thanks to Bike Commuters and Kona.

June 10, 2008, 4:40 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , ,

Ever since I decided to explore the idea of bicycle commuting I have been on a quest for knowledge and information. Whenever I start something new in my life, I usually become obsessed with it and try to learn all that I can about it… that’s just how I am.  I used to ride my bike a lot when I was growing up, but back then it was just a way to get around, and I never took my biking seriously.  That was almost 20 years ago, and I hadn’t even owned a bicycle since then. One step into a bike shop convinced me that an awful lot has changed in the cycling world!

Thankfully, with a little help from Google I was able to track down more than enough great information to quickly come up to speed on the current cycling scene.  So now I’d like to share some of the great sites that have helped me out…

Thanks Everyone!