Drive My Bike

A One Horsepower Solution

Folks in a dental office in Arlington, WA decided to find an alternative solution to get to work once prices hit $4 per gallon. Most of them owned horses, so they decided to ride their horses to work!

The dentist, Dr. Keith Leonard, often rides his bike to work, and wanted to encourage people to find alternative means of transportation. He issued a challenge for people to get to the office without their car in the month of July, and is even awarding T-shirts to those who do so. He recently had his bike stolen, and is considering installing a bike rack at his office so that employees and patients can have a safe place to keep their bikes while there. Way to go Dr. Leonard! If more independent professionals did things like that it could really make an impact on our vehicle driven society.

Here’s the article if you’d like to check it out. They have a few pictures of the ride.  I did note that there were a couple of bicyclists in their group, along with all the horses. As a bicyclist I would think you would want to be careful about drafting in that situation. 🙂

Have a good day!